Five May Tips (For Busy Gardeners)

  1. Check irrigation: unclog heads, make sure coverage hasn’t changed – repair as required. Change the time on irrigation clocks to water in the early morning. Deep soak trees.
  2. Control emerging weeds: hand pick, hoe, pour boiling water over them (carefully) or spray with a fatty acid-derived herbicide such as Safer weed and grass killer.
  3. Plant seeds of beans, corn, melons and okra once soil temperatures are at least 65°F (18.3°C). Successive planting of beans and corn will extend your harvest.
  4. Plant herbs in full sun with good drainage: basil, chives, oregano, parsley, rosemary, sage, thyme, cilantro, marjoram, borage. These do well in containers.
  5. Renew mulch. To stop weeds and keep moisture levels consistent, mulches need to be 3” thick. Keep mulch pulled away from the trunks & root crowns of woody plants.